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About Daye Deura

When her creative talents outgrew the limits of two-dimensional design, Daye left Japan for London to study window display, installation and prop making, and was soon hired as visual merchandiser for Harrods.


Daye internalized the sublime elements of European culture that would later converge with the excess and modernism prevalent in New York City upon her arrival in the 1990's. By chance she met famed event designer Antony Todd, who recognized her talent, hired her as First Assistant, and generously shared his wealth of floral design insight and experience. She immediately began flourishing with the new artistic freedom afforded by three-dimensional design, and that's when fate struck kindly.

Daye knew right away that she had finally found her perfect artistic medium. One that could encompass her many abilities, influences and interests, and eventually develops into the unique aesthetic that she enjoys today. 


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